New England Sheltie Rescue

New England Sheltie Rescue
(860) 546-6775

Available Shelties - Missing Shelties

Adoption Application - Adoption Contract

Adopted Shelties - Resources - E-mail Us

New England Sheltie Rescue takes in abandoned, stray, injured, or unwanted Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties). We give Shelties any needed veterinary care, updates their shots, spay or neuter them, free them from all parasites and fleas, and make sure they are otherwise healthy. We then evaluate their temperament, and adopt them into loving homes.
New England Sheltie Rescue is an all volunteer organization, directed by Donna Vera. We cover Connecticut, Massachusetts, & Rhode Island.
Maine Sheltie Rescue covers Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

Adoption Instructions

  1. Before contacting us, please fill out the application and add any general or questions about specific dogs you may have.
  2. Adoption Fees are as follows: Puppies under one year are $500.00, 1 to 3 years $450.00, 3 to 7 years $400.00, and 8 and up $350.00. Our fees may be adjusted for age or other special conditions.
  3. You may download the application and mail it or email it to us. The mailing address & the email address are included in the application.
  4. We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email within 24 hours of receipt. If you do not get a received notice, please e-mail us.
  5. Please help us to serve you better by filling out an adoption application before contacting us.

Contact Sheltie Rescue

E-mail: - Hotline: (860) 546-6775

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