
So that I can better meet the needs of agility enthusiasts, I would appreciate you taking a moment to fill out this feedback form.  You can either e-mail or snail-mail it directly to me, or submit it to the club/organization who hosted the seminar.  Thanks!

Erin Schaefer, 39 Main St, Foxboro MA  02035


or retrieve this form at:  

Download .PDF version here

Date of seminar:



Your e-mail address for future mailings:

Were the numbers of participants acceptable? Yes  No 

Did you feel other dogs and handlers were working at your level? Yes No

Were your goals for the seminar met? Yes No

Was Erin's method of explaining clear? Yes No

Did Erin take her time explaining sequences/theories? Yes No

Were the walk through times long enough?  Yes No

Were the sequences long enough?  Yes No

Did the order in which we ran the exercises make sense? Yes No

Did you receive enough individual attention? Yes No

Was there enough time spent on problem areas? Yes No 

What were the strong points of the seminar?


What were the weak points of the seminar?


Suggestions what to add/remove?


Anything you wish to add?


Thank you!

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Copyright © 2003 Pond-House Agility. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 04, 2006 .